St. Catherine Catholic School
1180 Branion Drive
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 2S8
Grades Prek to 6 English
Before/After School Care Program
Phone: 306-953-7558
Fax: 306-922-7558
Register Online for 2024-25
Register Online for 2025-26
School Supply List
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St. Catherine Catholic School (formerly known as W.F.A. Turgeon Catholic Community School) located at 1180 Branion Drive was officially opened March 23, 1969. The main facility’s structure was based on a concept called “open area” where there were no walls between the classrooms which all spilled into the central hub of the school, the library. In the early 1980’s four portable classrooms were added to accommodate large enrollments and in 1988 walls were erected closing in the classrooms.
In 2018, the school’s name was changed to St. Catherine Catholic School which was approved by the Board of Education to have the school’s name better reflect the Catholic identity of our schools. St. Catherine devoted her life to be an activist of reform for peace and serving others to alleviate suffering of the poor and sick. St. Catherine truly believed in the gift of building friendships. St. Catherine was radiantly happy and full of practical wisdom. As a Catholic educational community, St. Catherine’s attributes of serving others, seeking peace and seeking truth will support our students to develop self-confidence in the pursuit of spirituality, knowledge, truth and personal growth.
St. Catherine Catholic School will continue to honour W.F.A. Turgeon within the school through our awards system each year.
Our Patron Saint:
St. Catherine of Siena was born in 1347, one of the youngest children in a family of 25. At the age of six, she had a vision of Christ in glory, surrounded by His saints. From that time on she spent most of her life in prayer and working to help the church.
Throughout her life, she was always happy and full of practical wisdom. Many people came to see her for spiritual help. Even the Pope during her time listened to her wise words and made changes to the way things were done.
St. Catherine is known for devoted herself to prayer and working to help the poor and the sick. She took a strong stand on the issues affecting society in her day, and never hesitated “to speak truth”.
She also wrote over 400 letters. These works are so influential that St. Catherine would later be declared a Doctor of the Church. This means that her contributions were so important that others should read them to better understand our faith.
St. Catherine once said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” This is a special statement for us and as we start this new school year at St. Catherine Catholic School, we hope that it will inspire us to live the message of Jesus.
School Administration:
Céleste Bisson- Principal
Melissa McGregor- Vice-Principal
Principal’s Message:
Welcome to St. Catherine School! St. Catherine’s School is a Pre-K to Grade 6 school that promises a nurturing environment that focuses on developing every aspect of the child: spiritual, emotional, social and educational.
I am excited to announce that I will be the new Principal at St. Catherine School. I am eager to meet and engage with our community, students, and parents. The teachers and staff are committed to fostering inclusivity and learning through the diverse backgrounds and experiences that our community has to offer. This inclusive approach means that we will all have opportunities to learn and grow together.
As a community, we are encouraged to embrace and embody Christ’s Mission in all aspects of our school life. This mission will guide us in building a loving supportive community where every member feels valued and respected. As St. Catherine has said “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” Together we will ignite the world with our faith and kindness to make a difference in the community that surrounds us.
I am looking forward to starting this new chapter with you at St. Catherine School. The 2024-2025 school year promises to be an enriching experience for all of us, and I can’t wait to see how we will learn and grow together as a family.
God Bless,
Céleste Bisson